v0.10.0 Release Notes


Vortex PayloadEnvelope

This version of peek contains some breaking changes to do with the VortexJS/VortexPY.

A new class called “PayloadEnvelope” has been introduced. PayloadEnvelope wraps a Payload and is routed around the Vortexes.

The toVortexMsg/fromVortexMsg methods on the Payload class have been renamed to toEncodedPayload/fromEncodedPayload respectivly.

This change was made to improve performance, in some instances the Payload.tuples didn’t need to be deserialised/reserialised, for example when passing through the peek_office_service service, or being cached in the browsers/mobile devices.

Dependency Bump

Peek dependencies are upgrade as follows:

  1. Python 3.6.5

  2. PostgreSQL 10.4

  3. MsysGit - Install setttings change

Windows Services

Peek v0.10.0 now contains windows services. These release notes will describe how to install the services.


This version of Peek upgrades several dependencies of the system. Follow these instructions to upgrade all the dependencies.

First, backup the PostgreSQL peek database.

Delete the virtual environments

delete C:\Users\peek\synerty-peek*

  1. Uninstall Python

  2. Uninstall “Git version”

  3. Uninstall PostgreSQL

Delete the old PostgreSQL database data directory.

delete C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL

delete C:\Users\peek\Python36

Reinstall the software again based on these instructions:

  1. Install Python

  2. Install Msys Git

  3. Install PostgreSQL

Setup OS Requirements Windows

Open PGAdmin4, and restore the database backup.


Ensure you restore the database to the peek database (not the postgres one)

Deploy the platform, Y and Y at the end.

Deploy Peek Release

These steps grant “Login as Service” to the “.peek” user

  1. Run “services.msc”

  2. Find the peek server service

  3. Open the properties of the service

  4. Goto the LogOn tab

  5. Enter the password twice and hit OK

  6. A dialog box will appear saying that the Peek users has been granted the right.