.. _setup_os_requirements_macos: =========================== Setup OS Requirements macOS =========================== This section describes how to perform the setup for macOS (previously OSX). Please read through all of the documentation before commencing the installation procedure. Installation Objective ---------------------- This Installation Guide contains specific Mac 11.2.1 Big Sur operating system requirements for the configuring of synerty-peek. Required Software ````````````````` Some of the software to be installed requires internet access. For offline installation some steps are required to be installed on another online server for the files to be packaged and transferred to the offline server. Below is a list of all the required software: * Xcode (from the app store) * Homebrew * Python 3.6.x * Postgres 12.x Optional Software ````````````````` - Oracle Client Installing Oracle Libraries is required if you intend on installing the peek agent. Instruction for installing the Oracle Libraries are in the Online Installation Guide. - FreeTDS FreeTDS is an open source driver for the TDS protocol, this is the protocol used to talk to the MSSQL SQLServer database. .. _macos_install_prerequisites: Installation Guide ------------------ Follow the remaining section in this document to prepare your macOS operating system to run the Peek Platform. The instructions on this page don't install the peek platform, that's done later. Set Terminal shell to Bash -------------------------- Press :code:`Command + Space` to bring up preferences. ---- Type “terminal” ---- Run the following command and enter the password when prompted ---- code:: chsh -s /bin/bash This will change your chosen shell from zsh to Bash. Safari Open Safe Files ---------------------- If you're using safari on the mac (which you probably are), make sure **Open "Safe" files after downloading** is turned off. This will cause Safari to unzip files that have been downloaded, and invalidate some of the install steps. ---- In Safari, press :code:`Command + ,` to bring up preferences. ---- Uncheck the **Open "Safe" files after downloading** checkbox. .. image:: safari_safe_files.png ---- Close safari preferences. Create Peek Platform OS User ---------------------------- Alternatively to creating a :code:`peek` user, if you are developing with peek you might want to Symlink the :code:`/Users/*developerAccount*` to :code:`/Users/peek`. If doing this run: :code:`sudo ln -s /Users/*developerAccount*/ /Users/peek` then skip to the next step :ref:`installing_xcode`. Create a user account for :code:`peek` with admin rights. :: sudo ln -s /Users/*developerAccount*/ /Users/peek ---- :Account Type: Administrator :Username: peek :Password: PA$$W0RD ---- Sign in to the peek account. .. important:: All steps after this point assume you're logged in as the peek user. .. _installing_xcode: Install Xcode ------------- From the app store, install Xcode. ---- Run Xcode and accept 'Agree' to the license. Xcode will then install components. ---- Exit Xcode ---- Run Terminal ---- Apple's Command Line Developer Tools can be installed on recent OS versions by running this command in the Terminal: :: sudo xcode-select -r ---- A popup will appear, select 'Install' then 'Agree' to the license. ---- Agree to the Xcode license in Terminal run: :: sudo xcodebuild -license Type :code:`q`, type :code:`agree` and hit 'Enter' Install Homebrew ---------------- Edit :file:`~/.bash_profile` and insert the following: :: #### USE THE GNU TOOLS #### # Set PATH to gnu tools export PATH="`echo ~/bin:$PATH`" ---- To install Homebrew, run the following command in terminal: :: /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" ---- Install gnu-sed for the build scripts :: brew install gnu-sed ---- Install wget, needed for python download :: brew install wget ---- Create the symlinks to prefer the GNU tools :: mkdir ~/bin ln -s `which gsed` ~/bin/sed ---- Install the dev libs that the python packages will need to compile :: brew install openssl@1.1 zlib openldap freetds ---- Install libgeos :: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/master/Formula/geos.rb brew install geos.rb rm geos.rb Preparing .bash_profile ----------------------- Edit :file:`~/.bash_profile` and insert the following: :: ##### SET THE PEEK ENVIRONMENT ##### # Setup the variables for PYTHON export PEEK_PY_VER="3.9.1" export PATH="/Users/peek/opt/bin:$PATH" # Set the variables for the platform release # These are updated by the deploy script export PEEK_ENV="" export PATH="${PEEK_ENV}/bin:$PATH" ---- .. warning:: Restart your terminal you get the new environment. Install Python 3.9.1 -------------------- Download and unarchive the supported version of Python :: cd ~ source .bash_profile wget https://github.com/python/cpython/archive/v${PEEK_PY_VER}.zip unzip v${PEEK_PY_VER}.zip cd cpython-${PEEK_PY_VER} ---- Configure the build :: export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib -L/usr/local/opt/zlib/lib" export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include -I/usr/local/opt/zlib/include" export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/opt/zlib/lib/pkgconfig" ./configure \ --prefix=$HOME/opt \ --enable-optimizations \ --enable-shared \ --with-openssl=$(brew --prefix openssl) ---- Make and Make install the software :: make install ---- Cleanup the download and build dir :: cd rm -rf cpython-${PEEK_PY_VER} rm v${PEEK_PY_VER}.zip ---- Symlink the python3 commands so they are the only ones picked up by path. :: cd /Users/peek/opt/bin ln -s pip3 pip ln -s python3 python cd ---- Open a new terminal and test that the setup is working :: pass="/Users/peek/opt/bin/python" [ "`which python`" == "$pass" ] && echo "Success" || echo "FAILED" pass="Python ${PEEK_PY_VER}" [ "`python --version`" == "$pass" ] && echo "Success" || echo "FAILED" pass="/Users/peek/opt/bin/pip" [ "`which pip`" == "$pass" ] && echo "Success" || echo "FAILED" pass="pip 20.2.3 from /Users/peek/opt/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pip (python 3.9)" [ "`pip --version`" == "$pass" ] && echo "Success" || echo "FAILED" ---- Upgrade pip: :: pip install --upgrade pip ---- The following packages are required to package/deploy the macOS release. .. note:: This is required for the pymysql setup.py :: pip install Cython ---- synerty-peek is deployed into python virtual environments. Install the virtualenv python package :: pip install virtualenv ---- The Wheel package is required for building platform and plugin releases :: pip install wheel .. _macos_install_postgresql: Install PostgreSQL ------------------ Install the relational database Peek stores its data in. This database is PostgreSQL 12. .. note:: Run the commands in this step as the :code:`peek` user. Download the PostgreSQL source code :: PEEK_PG_VER=12.5 SRC_DIR="$HOME/postgresql-${PEEK_PG_VER}" # Remove the src dir and install file rm -rf ${SRC_DIR} || true cd $HOME wget https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v${PEEK_PG_VER}/postgresql-${PEEK_PG_VER}.tar.bz2 tar xjf postgresql-${PEEK_PG_VER}.tar.bz2 cd ${SRC_DIR} ---- Configure and build PostGresQL :: export CPPFLAGS=" -I$(brew --prefix openssl@1.1)/include " export LDFLAGS=" -L$(brew --prefix openssl@1.1)/lib " ./configure \ --disable-debug \ --prefix=$HOME/opt \ --enable-thread-safety \ --with-openssl \ --with-python make -j4 make install-world # this is required for timescale to compile cp ${SRC_DIR}/src/test/isolation/pg_isolation_regress ~/opt/bin ---- Remove install files to clean up the home directory :: # Remove the src dir and install file cd rm -rf ${SRC_DIR}* ---- Initialise a PostgreSQL database :: #Refresh .bash_profile so initdb can find postgres source .bash_profile initdb --pgdata=$HOME/pgdata/12 --auth-local=trust --auth-host=md5 ---- Tune the :file:`postgresql.conf` :: F="$HOME/pgdata/12/postgresql.conf" sed -i 's/max_connections = 100/max_connections = 200/g' $F ---- Install CMake ````````````` Download CMake source code:: cd $HOME PEEK_CMAKE_VER=3.19.2 SRC_DIR="$HOME/CMake-${PEEK_CMAKE_VER}" wget https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/archive/v${PEEK_CMAKE_VER}.zip unzip v${PEEK_CMAKE_VER}.zip cd ${SRC_DIR} Compile CMake from source:: ./configure --prefix=$HOME/opt make -j6 install # Remove the src dir and install file cd rm -rf ${SRC_DIR}* rm v${PEEK_CMAKE_VER}.zip Install PostgreSQL Timescaledb `````````````````````````````` Next install timescaledb, this provides support for storing large amounts of historical data. `www.timescale.com `_ ---- Download the timescaledb source code :: PEEK_TSDB_VER=1.7.4 cd wget https://github.com/timescale/timescaledb/archive/${PEEK_TSDB_VER}.zip unzip ${PEEK_TSDB_VER}.zip cd timescaledb-${PEEK_TSDB_VER} ---- Install the packages: :: export CPPFLAGS=`pg_config --cppflags` export LDFLAGS=`pg_config --ldflags` export OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR="/usr/local/opt/openssl/" # Bootstrap the build system ./bootstrap -DAPACHE_ONLY=1 # To build the extension cd build && make # To install make install # Cleanup the source code cd rm -rf ${PEEK_TSDB_VER}.zip rm -rf timescaledb-${PEEK_TSDB_VER} ---- Install timescaledb-tune: :: wget https://timescalereleases.blob.core.windows.net/homebrew/timescaledb-tools-0.8.1.tar.lzma tar xf timescaledb-tools-0.8.1.tar.lzma cp timescaledb-tools/timescaledb-tune $HOME/opt/bin rm -rf timescaledb-tools rm timescaledb-tools-0.8.1.tar.lzma ---- Tune the database: :: PGVER=12 FILE="$HOME/pgdata/${PGVER}/postgresql.conf" timescaledb-tune -quiet -yes -conf-path ${FILE} -pg-version ${PGVER} Finish PostgreSQL Setup ```````````````````````` Make PostgreSQL a service : .. note:: This will require sudo permissions Run the following command :: # Make sure there is a LaunchAgents folder mkdir -p ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ # Create the plist file cat < ~/Library/LaunchAgents/postgresql.plist KeepAlive Label postgresql ProgramArguments ${HOME}/opt/bin/postgres -D ${HOME}/pgdata/12 RunAtLoad WorkingDirectory ${HOME}/opt StandardOutPath ${HOME}/pgdata/12/postgres.log StandardErrorPath ${HOME}/pgdata/12/postgres.log EOF # Tell launchctl to use the plist launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/postgresql.plist ---- Check that the service has started: :: pgrep -laf postgres Finish configuring and starting PostgreSQL. ---- Allow the peek OS user to login to the database as user peek with no password :: F=/usr/local/var/postgres/pg_hba.conf cat | sudo tee $F <`_. The version used in these instructions is :code:``. #. Download the "Basic Package" from https://download.oracle.com/otn_software/mac/instantclient/instantclient-basic-macos.zip #. Download the "SDK Package" from https://download.oracle.com/otn_software/mac/instantclient/instantclient-sdk-macos.zip Copy these files to :file:`~/oracle` on the peek server. ---- Extract the files. :: cd ~/oracle unzip instantclient-basic-macos.zip unzip instantclient-sdk-macos.zip ---- Add links to $HOME/lib to enable applications to find the libraries: :: mkdir ~/lib ln -s ~/oracle/instantclient_19_8/libclntsh.dylib ~/lib/ ---- Edit :file:`~/.bash_profile` and insert the following: :: ##### SET THE ORACLE ENVIRONMENT ##### # Set PATH to include oracle export ORACLE_HOME="`echo ~/oracle/instantclient_19_8`" export PATH="$ORACLE_HOME:$PATH" ##### SET THE DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH ##### export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:$ORACLE_HOME" Change Open File Limit on macOS ------------------------------- macOS has a low limit on the maximum number of open files. This becomes an issue when running node applications. Make sure the sudo password timer is reset :: sudo echo "Sudo is done, lets go" Run the following commands in terminal: :: echo kern.maxfiles=65536 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf echo kern.maxfilesperproc=65536 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfiles=65536 sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfilesperproc=65536 ---- Edit :file:`~/.bash_profile` and insert the following: :: ##### Open File Limit ##### ulimit -n 65536 65536 ---- Restart the terminal What Next? ---------- Refer back to the :ref:`how_to_use_peek_documentation` guide to see which document to follow next.