Source code for vortex.DeferUtil

import logging

import twisted
from twisted.internet.defer import maybeDeferred, Deferred, inlineCallbacks, \
from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def maybeDeferredWrap(funcToWrap):
    """ Maybe Deferred Wrap

    A decorator that ensures a function will return a deferred.


    def func(*args, **kwargs):
        return maybeDeferred(funcToWrap, *args, **kwargs)

    return func

def ensureDeferredWrap(funcToWrap):
    """ Ensured Deferred Wrap

    A decorator that converts asyncio functions to ones that
     return Twisted Deferred instead.

    This keeps all the async processing in Twisteds reactive design while providing
     support of the await/async syntax (and asyncio processing)


    def func(*args, **kwargs):
        return ensureDeferred(funcToWrap(*args, **kwargs))

    return func

def vortexLogFailure(failure, loggerArg, consumeError=False, successValue=True):
        if not hasattr(failure, '_vortexLogged'):
            if failure.getTraceback():
            failure._vortexFailureLogged = True
        return successValue if consumeError else failure
    except Exception as e:

def vortexLogAndConsumeFailure(failure, loggerArg, successValue=True):
    return vortexLogFailure(failure, loggerArg,
                            consumeError=True, successValue=successValue)

printFailure = vortexLogFailure

def vortexInlineCallbacksLogAndConsumeFailure(loggerArg):
    """ Vortex InlineCallbacks Log and Consume Failure

    This is exactly the same as @inlineCallbacks decorator, except it will log
    and consume any deferred failures that are thrown.

    def wrapper(funcToWrap):
        funcIcb = inlineCallbacks(funcToWrap)

        def called(*args, **kwargs):
            d = funcIcb(*args, **kwargs)
            d.addErrback(vortexLogAndConsumeFailure, loggerArg)
            return d

        return called

    return wrapper

def deferToThreadWrapWithLogger(logger, consumeError=False, checkMainThread=True):
    """ Defer To Thread Wrap With Logger

    This method is a decorator used to send blocking methods to threads easily.

    :param logger: An instance from logging.getLogger(..)
    :param consumeError: Should errors occuring in the thread be consumed or errback'd
    :param checkMainThread: Don't use this parameter, it's only needed during reactor
                startup when the reactors thread isn't properly set and the check

    :return: A deferred.

    Usage: ::

            import logging
            logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
            def myFunction(arg1, kw=True):

    assert isinstance(logger, logging.Logger), """Usage:
    import logging
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    def myFunction(arg1, kw=True):

    def wrapper(funcToWrap) -> Deferred:
        def func(*args, **kwargs):
            if not twisted.python.threadable.isInIOThread() and checkMainThread:
                raise Exception(
                    "Deferring to a thread can only be done from the main thread")

            d = deferToThread(funcToWrap, *args, **kwargs)
            d.addErrback(vortexLogFailure, logger, consumeError=consumeError)
            return d

        return func

    return wrapper

def noMainThread():
    if twisted.python.threadable.isInIOThread():
        raise Exception("Blocking operations shouldn't occur in the reactors thread.")

def yesMainThread():
    if not twisted.python.threadable.isInIOThread():
        raise Exception("Async operations must occur in the reactors main thread.")