Source code for peek_plugin_base.client.PluginClientEntryHookABC

import os
from typing import Optional

from jsoncfg.value_mappers import require_string
from peek_plugin_base.PluginCommonEntryHookABC import PluginCommonEntryHookABC
from peek_plugin_base.client.PeekClientPlatformHookABC import PeekClientPlatformHookABC

[docs]class PluginClientEntryHookABC(PluginCommonEntryHookABC): def __init__( self, pluginName: str, pluginRootDir: str, platform: PeekClientPlatformHookABC ): PluginCommonEntryHookABC.__init__( self, pluginName=pluginName, pluginRootDir=pluginRootDir ) self._platform = platform @property def platform(self) -> PeekClientPlatformHookABC: return self._platform @property def publishedClientApi(self) -> Optional[object]: return None @property def angularMainModule(self) -> str: """Angular Main Module :return: The name of the main module that the Angular2 router will lazy load. """ return self._angularMainModule @property def angularFrontendAppDir(self) -> str: """Angular Frontend Dir This directory will be linked into the angular app when it is compiled. :return: The absolute path of the Angular2 app directory. """ relDir = self._packageCfg.config.plugin.title(require_string) dir = os.path.join(self._pluginRoot, relDir) if not os.path.isdir(dir): raise NotADirectoryError(dir) return dir