v0.6.0 Release Notes

The following modifications are required to upgrade plugins to run on the v0.6.0 version of the platform

NPM : peek-field-app-util

The peek-field-app-util npm packages has been renamed to peek-util.

Run the following to help with the upgrade

find ./ -name "*.ts" -not -name "node_modules" -exec sed -i 's/peek-field-app-util/peek-util/g' {} \;

The peek-field-app-util/index.nativescript typescript index file has been renamed to peek-util/index.ns

Run the following to help with the upgrade

find ./ -name "*.ts" -not -name "node_modules" -exec sed -i 's,peek-util/index.nativescript,peek-util/index.ns,g' {} \;