v2.3.x Release Notes

Platform Changes


Plugin Changes

The following plugins have code changes on the v2.3.x release branch

  • peek-plugin-diagram
  • peek-plugin-enmac-diagram-loader

Deployment Changes

Windows Deployment


This release is not supported on Windows.

Linux Deployment


macOS Deployment


iOS Deployment


Peek v2.0.x does not have support for iOS, this will be updated in a future release. We’re going to Ionics Capacitor framework to create a full hybrid app.

Windows Deployment



The windows deployment will change to use Windows Subsystem for Linux in a future release.

Migration Steps


In PEEK-526, the “Layer Profile Name” has been renamed to “Environment Name” in the plugin settings.

The migration steps for this change are as follows:

  • Login to Peek Admin,

  • Go to plugin “ENMAC Diagram Loader”

  • Go to the “Edit App Server Settings” tab.

  • Update “Environment Name” to a value from “ENMAC”.”ENVIRONMENT_LIST”.”ENVIRONMENT_NAME” that you wish the diagram to load with.

  • Click Save

  • Run the following as peek on the peek server to force a reload of the data:

    psql <<EOF
    UPDATE pl_enmac_diagram_loader."PageLoadState"
    SET "lastDisplayHash"='reloadme';
  • Restart the peek agent.

    sudo systemctl restart peek_agent_service

v2.3.3 Issues Log


  • [PEEK-455] - Peek Platform - Using overlay directories causes frontend to always rebuild
  • [PEEK-501] - Lines and circles are imported from PowerOn with width=0. These lines were displayed with an unscaled 1pt line.
  • [PEEK-505] - Branches are listed twice
  • [PEEK-607] - Queue Compilers get held up too much by fetching duplicates.


  • [PEEK-608] - Prevent peek from loading the same plugin twice.
  • [PEEK-614] - Add adaptor/patching for running worker tasks in plpython

v2.3.2 Issues Log

This was an internal release.

v2.3.1 Issues Log


  • [PEEK-526] - Loading Poke Points was buggy, loaded two disps with the same action and didn’t gracefully handle multiple poke points to the same viewport from the same page.

v2.3.0 Issues Log


  • [PEEK-602] - ENMAC Diagram Loader - Agent no longer reloads all pages on restart.

New Feature

  • [PEEK-526] - Implement support for loading in ENMAC “Poke Points”. These are hotspots that jump the user to another location on the diagram when clicked.

CI/CD Tasks

  • [PEEK-601] - Setup Peek release builds to pin Docker and Python dependencies for the life of that release branch. (EG v2.2.7 will have the exact same python dependency packages, Twisted, SQLAlchemy, VortexPY, etc as v2.2.0)