Run Peek Manually

This section describes the best practices for running the peek platform manually

To use bash on windows, install msys git. Setup Msys Git, otherwise use powershell on windows.

Check Environment

Make sure that the right environment is activated. Run the following commands.


(Get-Command python).source
(Get-Command run_peek_logic_service).source

Or Bash

which python
which run_peek_logic_service

Confirm that the output contains the release you wish to use.


This section runs the peek server service of the platform and opens the admin page.

Run the following in bash, cmd or powershell


Open the following URL in a browser, Chrome is recommended.

This is the administration page for the peek platform, otherwise known as the “Admin” service.


This section runs the peek client service, this serves the desktop and mobile web apps and provides data to all desktop and mobile native apps

Run the following in bash, cmd or powershell


Open the following URL in a browser, Chrome is recommended.

This is the mobile web app for the peek platform.


The Agent is used to connect to external systems, this section runs the agent service.

Run the following in bash, cmd or powershell


Whats Next

Now that the platform is running, See the next section, Updating Plugin Settings