Build Capacitor App

Install Capacitor

Capacitor can be installed via NPM.

# Install capacitor
cd peek_field_app # or peek_office_app
npm install @capacitor/core @capacitor/cli --save

# Initialise capacitor
npx cap init

# Setup iOS development
npx cap add ios

Build iOS App

Capacitor iOS apps can be built either via the xcode interface, or by using the xcodebuild cli. This document will cover building the app using the xcodebuild cli.

# Build iOS archive
xcodebuild -workspace App.xcworkspace -scheme App archive -archivePath build/peek.xcarchive

# Create iOS app from archive
xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath build/peek.xcarchive -exportPath release/Peek -exportOptionsPlist OptionsPlist.plist

Build Android App

** ToDo **

Build Windows App

** ToDo **

Further Reading

Further documentation on Capacitor can be found on their website.

What Next?

Refer back to the How to Use Peek Documentation guide to see which document to follow next.