PEEP4 Overview


The names of Peek plugins were often confusing, as the old “peek_mobile” repository was intended for use in the field, but it can run on either a mobile device or a truck mounted laptop. Therefore, we opted to call this peek_field. peek_field is a WebApp, to make this clearer, the new name is peek_field_app.

PEEP4: Rename Peek Code for v3, Field, Office, App, etc

Significant renaming took place internally as a result of PEEP4. The old and new naming conventions are listed in the following table:

v2 Name V3 Name Reason
peek-desktop peek-office-app This app is intended for use by office staff, this app is desktop and mobile friendly.
peek-mobile peek-field-app This app is intended for use by field staff, this app is desktop and mobile friendly.
peek-admin peek-admin-app Adding “app” clearly identifies this component as an App.
Documentation Projects
v2 Name V3 Name Reason
peek-doc-user peek-field-doc Renaming this makes it sit next to the web app. People looking at the app will see the doc project as well.
peek- peek-office-doc Field and Office could not share a documentation project, they both try to build it and one fails to start.
peek-doc-admin peek-admin-doc API documentation doesn’t fit in anywhere, it might as well live with the admin documentation.
Python Services
v2 Name V3 Name Reason
peek-server peek-logic-service Logic is a less ambiguous name.
peek-worker peek-worker-service Adding “service” clearly identifies this component as a service.
peek-agent peek-agent-service Adding “service” clearly identifies this component as a service.
peek-storage peek-storage-service Adding “service” clearly identifies this component as a service.
peek-client peek-field-service, peek-office-service For security reasons, we’ve decided to separate the backend services for Field and Office. In v2, there was limited support for specifying which app a plugin responds to. In v3, plugins can choose which service to run on.
Core Plugins
v2 Name V3 Name Reason
peek-plugin-docdb peek-core-docdb The DocDB is required by the peek-core-search plugin, which means it also has to be a core plugin.
v2 Name V3 Name Reason
ALL peek-plugin-[pof/pon]-* plugins peek-plugin-enmac-* Sticking with enmac means we no longer have to manage external name changes.