.. _release_notes_v3.2.x: ==================== v3.2.x Release Notes ==================== Platform Changes ---------------- This release contains several quality of life improvements to Peek Office. Major Plugin Changes -------------------- There are no major plugin changes with this release. Deployment Changes ------------------ There are no deployment changes with this release. Windows Deployment `````````````````` .. note:: This release is not supported on Windows. Linux Deployment ```````````````` Deployment for Linux remains the same after the changes of Peek v3.1.x Debian: :ref:`debian_install_prerequisites` Redhat: :ref:`rhel_install_prerequisites` macOS Deployment ```````````````` Deployment for macOS remains the same after the major changes of Peek v3.1.x MacOS: :ref:`macos_install_prerequisites` Windows Deployment `````````````````` Nil. .. note:: The windows deployment will change to use Windows Subsystem for Linux in a future release. Migration Steps --------------- #. Make a note of your User settings in Peek Admin. #. ssh into the server as the Peek user. #. Stop the Peek services with **stop_peek.sh** #. Open psql. #. Enter: **DROP SCHEMA core_user CASCADE;** #. Enter: **TRUNCATE pl_enmac_user_loader."LoadState" CASCADE;** #. Restart Peek with **restart_peek.sh** V3.2.2 Changes -------------- Bug ``` * [PEEK-1496] - Fix version number in released field and office web apps * [PEEK-1495] - Peek sometimes fails to force log out user from old UI * [PEEK-1492] - peek-plugin-base-js - Expression has changed after it was checked. Previous value for 'show' * [PEEK-1489] - Peek Office asks for location information, this should only be on peek-field * [PEEK-1487] - Upon Peek Login in Field, UI stays on login screen * [PEEK-1486] - Make Capacitor Build scripts compatible with ordinary macOS install * [PEEK-1485] - Peek Offline Support - Test and debug offline support for iOS app for DMS Diagram * [PEEK-1482] - GraphDB, Starting a trace from a start edge fails to try trace in both directions * [PEEK-1480] - Enmac Connectivity Loader - Loader includes patches in its load, which breaks connectivity * [PEEK-1479] - Diagram Edit, clicking on disp group doesn't select disp group * [PEEK-1475] - When the Peek Office/Field service goes offline, the Peek app shows search error * [PEEK-1474] - Event filter attributes are still visible in field when removed * [PEEK-1472] - Enmac Equipment Loader - Attributes load SQL is consistently slow, 3s\+ * [PEEK-1471] - Enmac Equipment Loader - Importing chunks blocks reactor * [PEEK-1470] - Enmac Switching Loader - Importing chunks blocks reactor * [PEEK-1469] - ENMAC Realtime Loader - Priority Keys is not sent on agent restart * [PEEK-1461] - LoopingCalls may stop if an error is thrown * [PEEK-1460] - Peek doesn't warn if timescaledb isn't pre-loaded * [PEEK-1459] - Peek oracle connections are cut by firewall after 60 minutes, add pool\_recycle value * [PEEK-1458] - Peek Diagram - Operation List is slow * [PEEK-1446] - Search limits trace to 50 items before the trace is ranked Improvement ``````````` * [PEEK-1494] - Field Capacitor App - Upgrade iOS Dependency to 2.5.0 * [PEEK-1493] - Capacitor app needs to default the websocket to port 8000, not 8001 * [PEEK-1473] - Enmac Diagram Loader - Change font size warning to debug Task ```` * [PEEK-1481] - GraphDB Applying Direction rule to Vertex raises 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'srcDirection' * [PEEK-1478] - Diagram Edit button doesn't enter edit mode * [PEEK-1477] - Implement twisted manhole for debugging in python services V3.2.1 Changes -------------- Bug ``` * [PEEK-1432] - Peek Office and Peek Field build web app twice * [PEEK-1430] - Diagram - Positioning by key located at multiple positions needs to prompt user * [PEEK-1429] - Core Device - Observing OfflineConfig before enrolment throws exception * [PEEK-1427] - ENMAC Diagram Loader - Job Loader may silently fail to load shapes * [PEEK-1426] - Jobs fail to position on diagram because diagram only contains only operations * [PEEK-1425] - ENMAC GraphDB Loader - Vertices are imported with wrong substation class * [PEEK-1419] - Peek ENMAC Equipment Loader filters out components with Aliases beginning with "ALIAS-\*" Improvement ``````````` * [PEEK-1438] - Change log rotator to rotate daily, instead of on size * [PEEK-1428] - GraphDB - Add trace rule logging V3.2.0 Changes -------------- Bug ``` * [PEEK-1415] - 220228 Peek Search doesn't match search terms correctly * [PEEK-1383] - Diagram: Importing colours spelt as grey not gray doesn't map to correct hex value * [PEEK-1358] - VortexPY re.match(value, ISO8601_REGEXP) matches Attune script value Improvement ``````````` * [PEEK-1382] - 220120 Update rxJS takeUntil and filter to rxjs 6\+ syntax * [PEEK-1381] - 220126 Reformat all typescript code with prettier;