.. _configure_ssl: ================================ Install Self Signed Certificates ================================ Follow this tutorial for the installation of self signed certificates on a Peek server. This can be done for the Web Frontend services or for mutual TLS between Peek services. Create the Certificates ----------------------- Log into the server using SSH as the Peek user. ---- Run the following commands: :: mkdir ~/cert cd ~/cert wget -O generate_self_signed_certificates.py \ 'https://gitlab.synerty.com/peek/community/synerty-peek/-/raw/bad53f383053c88a731334894857d48295859618/scripts/linux/util/generate_self_signed_certificates.py?inline=false' python generate_self_signed_certificates.py ---- Insure you have three :code:`.pem` files in the :code:`~/cert` directory. .. note:: :code:`peek_bundle.pem` contains a private key, certificate and CA certificate. The certificate is wild-card certificate that matches by pattern. Update Service Configuration Files ---------------------------------- To use the certificates for Peek frontend servers, edit the :code:`~/peek-{admin,field,office}-service.home/config.json` files: #. Update the :code:`sslBundleFilePath` with the file path to the :code:`peek_bundle.pem` file. #. Update the :code:`"useSsl"` to :code:`true` :: "httpServer": { "admin/field/office": { ... ... "sslBundleFilePath": "[path to peek_bundle\_.pen]", "useSsl": true } ---- Restart the Peek Services. :: p_restart.sh Complete -------- You have successfully configured Peek to use self-signed certificates.