.. _ssl.config_json: ==================== Configure Mutual TLS ==================== To configure the Logic Service for mutual TLS: #. In the config.json file, locate the section **httpServer-> dataExchange**. #. Update :code:`sslBundleFilePath` with the file path to the :code:`peek_bundle.pem` file. #. Update :code:`sslMutualTLSCertificateAuthorityBundleFilePath` with the file path to the :code:`peek_mtls_ca_bundle.pem` file. #. Update :code:`sslMutualTLSTrustedPeerCertificateBundleFilePath` with the file path to the :code:`peek_mtls_trusted_peer_bundle.pem` file. #. Update :code:`sslEnableMutualTLS` to :code:`true` #. Update :code:`useSsl` to :code:`true` :: "httpServer": { ... ... ... "dataExchange": { "sitePort": 8011, "sslBundleFilePath": "/tmp/self-signed/peek_bundle.pem", "sslEnableMutualTLS": true, "sslMutualTLSCertificateAuthorityBundleFilePath": "/tmp/self-signed/peek_mtls_ca_bundle.pem", "sslMutualTLSTrustedPeerCertificateBundleFilePath": "/tmp/self-signed/peek_mtls_trusted_peer_bundle.pem", "useSsl": true } } ---- Configure the Mutual TLS on the Peek Services, update the Peek Agent, Field, Office, and Worker services :code:`.json` files with the following: #. In the configuration file, locate the :code:`dataExchange` section. #. Update :code:`host` with the domain name of Peek Logic which matches pattern \*.peek.local TODO #. Ensure the DNS service on current mutual TLS client resolves the domain name in host to the IP of Peek Logic server. #. Update :code:`sslClientBundleFilePath` with the file path to the :code:`peek_bundle.pem` file. #. Update :code:`sslClientMutualTLSCertificateAuthorityBundleFilePath` with the file path to the :code:`peek_mtls_ca_bundle.pem` file. #. Update :code:`sslMutualTLSTrustedPeerCertificateBundleFilePath` with the file path to the :code:`peek_mtls_trusted_peer_bundle.pem` file. #. Update :code:`sslEnableMutualTLS` to :code:`true` . #. Update :code:`useSsl` to :code:`true` :: "dataExchange": { "host": "[hostname]", "httpPort": 8011, "sslClientBundleFilePath": "[full path to peek_bundle.pem]", "sslClientMutualTLSCertificateAuthorityBundleFilePath":"[full path to peek_mtls_ca_bundle.pem]", "sslEnableMutualTLS": true, "sslMutualTLSTrustedPeerCertificateBundleFilePath": "[peek_mtls_trusted_peer_bundle.pem]", "useSsl": false }, ---- Restart the Peek Services. :: p_restart.sh Complete --------