.. _release_notes_v0_10_0: ===================== v0.10.0 Release Notes ===================== Changes ------- Vortex PayloadEnvelope `````````````````````` This version of peek contains some breaking changes to do with the VortexJS/VortexPY. A new class called "PayloadEnvelope" has been introduced. PayloadEnvelope wraps a Payload and is routed around the Vortexes. The toVortexMsg/fromVortexMsg methods on the Payload class have been renamed to toEncodedPayload/fromEncodedPayload respectivly. This change was made to improve performance, in some instances the Payload.tuples didn't need to be deserialised/reserialised, for example when passing through the peek_office_service service, or being cached in the browsers/mobile devices. Dependency Bump ``````````````` Peek dependencies are upgrade as follows: #. Python 3.6.5 #. PostgreSQL 10.4 #. MsysGit - Install setttings change Windows Services ```````````````` Peek v0.10.0 now contains windows services. These release notes will describe how to install the services. Deployment ---------- This version of Peek upgrades several dependencies of the system. Follow these instructions to upgrade all the dependencies. ---- First, backup the PostgreSQL :code:`peek` database. ---- Delete the virtual environments delete C:\\Users\\peek\\synerty-peek* ---- #. Uninstall Python #. Uninstall "Git version" #. Uninstall PostgreSQL ---- Delete the old PostgreSQL database data directory. delete C:\\Program Files\\PostgreSQL delete C:\\Users\\peek\\Python36 ---- Reinstall the software again based on these instructions: #. Install Python #. Install Msys Git #. Install PostgreSQL :ref:`setup_os_requirements_windows` ---- Open PGAdmin4, and restore the database backup. .. note:: Ensure you restore the database to the :code:`peek` database (not the postgres one) ---- Deploy the platform, Y and Y at the end. :ref:`deploy_peek_platform` ---- These steps grant "Login as Service" to the ".\peek" user #. Run "services.msc" #. Find the peek server service #. Open the properties of the service #. Goto the LogOn tab #. Enter the password twice and hit OK #. A dialog box will appear saying that the Peek users has been granted the right.