.. _release_notes_v2.5.x: ==================== v2.5.x Release Notes ==================== Platform Changes ---------------- The peek-office-service and peek-logic-service now support a PEM bundle file for SSL. The peek desktop, admin & mobile web-apps have been upgraded to use Angular 9. The following Synerty projects have been deprecated: * ng2-balloon-msg, ng2-balloon-msg-web, ng2-balloon-msg-ns * peek-theme, peek-field-app-theme-test * peek-util, peek-util-web, peek-util-ns * font-awesome * nativescript-peek-update Major Plugin Changes -------------------- The following plugins have been developed for the v2.5.x+ Peek releases. * **peek-plugin-base-js** (Open Source) This plugin contains shared code that all Peek projects can access and utilise. The following Synerty projects have been merged into this plugin: * ng2-balloon-msg, ng2-balloon-msg-web * peek-theme * peek-util, peek-util-web Deployment Changes ------------------ Windows Deployment `````````````````` .. note:: This release is not supported on Windows. Linux Deployment ```````````````` Nil macOS Deployment ```````````````` Nil iOS Deployment `````````````` .. note:: Peek v2.5.x does not have support for iOS, this will be updated in the v3.0.x release. We're going to use Ionics Capacitor framework to create a full hybrid app. Android Deployment `````````````````` .. note:: Peek v2.5.x does not have support for Android, this will be updated in the v3.0.x release. We're going to use Ionics Capacitor framework to create a full hybrid app. Migration Steps --------------- In PEEK-660, the peek-office-service and peek-logic-service projects now accept a PEM bundle file to serve SSL. Follow the steps in the link below to set this up. `Peek Client & Server SSL `_ v2.5.4 Issues Log ----------------- Bug ``` * [PEEK-761] - Peek DMS Diagram - Symbols don't rotate Improvement ``````````` * [PEEK-917] - Diagram colours printing incorrectly v2.5.3 Issues Log ----------------- Bug ``` * [PEEK-680] - Fix login screen redirect for Peek * [PEEK-681] - Fix back button for peek-mobile * [PEEK-710] - Search results popup only works on one result * [PEEK-761] - Peek DMS Diagram - Symbols don't rotate * [PEEK-829] - Fix field switching - operation detail page performance issue * [PEEK-846] - Fix docdb popup delay issue * [PEEK-854] - Remove all uses of ujson due to seg faulting * [PEEK-866] - Tooltips didn't show up and search window remain when navigate to diagram location * [PEEK-869] - Fix Popup Fade Issue * [PEEK-873] - "locate" property item button doesn't function * [PEEK-874] - The content of exit message has a typo v2.5.2 Issues Log ----------------- Bug ``` * [PEEK-700] - DMS diagram on-click tooltip missing Improvement ``````````` * [PEEK-709] - Configure Auto-Restart with Systemd v2.5.1 Issues Log ----------------- Bug ``` * [PEEK-682] - Can't find stylesheet '~@synerty/peek-plugin-base-js/src/styles/ant-design' * [PEEK-711] - PEEK_RELEASE gitlab build fails, "requirement sphinx" v2.5.0 Issues Log ----------------- Bug ``` * [PEEK-504] - Toggle feeder colours - breakers go black * [PEEK-618] - synerty-peek pip_uninstall_and_develop.sh * [PEEK-663] - NorthPower - Peek, Equipment popup pops up off the screen. * [PEEK-664] - synerty-peek, fix typo "hypons" * [PEEK-670] - Fix Balloon messages not appearing * [PEEK-672] - Fix safari issue with Ant Design tabs disappearing * [PEEK-667] - AUTH - Add a workaround for Peek-Admin on Safari with Angular9 New Feature ``````````` * [PEEK-660] - txHttpUtil Peek doesn't serve SSL certificates correctly Task ```` * [PEEK-668] - Create Peek Release v2.5.0 Improvement ``````````` * [PEEK-632] - Upgrade peek UI ng-zorro v9 * [PEEK-639] - @angular, ng-zorro, ng-zorro-mobile Upgrade 8.1 to 9.1 * [PEEK-264] - Ensure route.params is unsubscribed.