================ vortexLogFailure ================ Explanation ----------- Checks to see if the `Failure `_ object passed to it as :code:`failure` has already been assigned the attribute :code:`_vortexLogged`. If it has not, then the `Logger `_ passed to it as :code:`loggerArg` will be called and will emit a log event. Finally, if consumeError is :code:`True`, then it will return :code:`SuccessValue`, otherwise, :code:`failure` will be returned. Returns ------- Either :code:`successValue` if successful or :code:`failure` if not. Usage ----- :code:`vortexLogFailure(failure, loggerArg, consumeError=False, successValue=True)` vortexLogFailure is used to easily log a Failure that had not already been logged by vortex. Example ------- :: from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.internet import defer from vortex.DeferUtil import vortexLogFailure import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ExampleTest(unittest.TestCase): def testVortex(self):s def alwaysFails(): d = defer.Deferred() d.addErrback(vortexLogFailure, logger, consumeError = True) d.errback(1) alwaysFails() The example should produce output similar to this:: Ran 1 test in 0.103s OK Traceback (most recent call last): Failure: builtins.int: 1