v3.0.x Release Notes¶
Platform Changes¶
Peek has been through a large code restructure, resulting in the renaming of many components of most plugins. Peek’s UI has been massively overhauled, resulting in a much cleaner user interface. this interface update resulted in overhauled app navigation resulting in a more streamlined User experience. Updates were made to the versions of both Angular framework and and Python being used. Peek now builds native apps using capacitor.
PEEPS Executed¶
PEEP4: PEEP4 Overview
PEEP7: PEEP7 Overview
PEEP8: PEEP8 Overview
Major Plugin Changes¶
All plugins were affected by a mass-renaming which also split Peek mobile into Peek office and Peek field applications. These new names are purpose-specific and platform-agnostic, better reflecting their usage.
Deployment Changes¶
Deployment of the peek platform now builds several prerequisites from source, as opposed to using a package manager, resulting in an equivalent installation across all supported platforms.
Windows Deployment¶
This release is not supported on Windows.
Linux Deployment¶
Prerequisites are now built from source.
Debian: Install PostgreSQL
Redhat: Install PostgreSQL
macOS Deployment¶
Prerequisites are now built from source.
MacOS: Install PostgreSQL
iOS Deployment¶
Windows Deployment¶
The windows deployment will change to use Windows Subsystem for Linux in a future release.
Migration Steps¶
Perform the following migration steps, and then restart the Peek services.
v3.0.0 Issues Log¶
User Acceptance Test Results¶
Download test results
[PEEK-562] - Gitlab - Setup macOS builds
[PEEK-680] - Fix login screen redirect for Peek
[PEEK-681] - Fix back button for peek-mobile
[PEEK-694] - 2020-Oct-Orion-UAT Fix cog in bottom right not visible on Peek Mobile.
[PEEK-695] - 2020-Oct-Orion-UAT ORA-01805: possible error in date/time operation
[PEEK-699] - Alembic fails on new DB - NoSuchTableError: cache_inval_hypertable
[PEEK-701] - Add NGCC post install step to peek services
[PEEK-710] - Search results popup only works on one result
[PEEK-746] - Migrate Peek configuration directories v2.x to v3.x
[PEEK-747] - Docdb popup modals don’t open
[PEEK-754] - Fix Header not appearing on page load in Peek Field App
[PEEK-761] - Peek DMS Diagram - Symbols don’t rotate
[PEEK-829] - Fix field switching - operation detail page performance issue
[PEEK-846] - Fix docdb popup delay issue
[PEEK-854] - Remove all uses of ujson due to seg faulting
[PEEK-855] - Alembic migration logs about running multiple times for each plugin it loads.
[PEEK-857] - v2.5 DocDB Popups occur when no data is present
[PEEK-873] - “locate” property item button doesn’t function
[PEEK-874] - The content of exit message has a typo
[PEEK-885] - v3 macOS build needs libgeos
[PEEK-886] - v3 macOS build fails to install mssql
[PEEK-919] - Docdb Popup won’t close on Safari browser
[PEEK-671] - Add OnViewInit to ComponentLifeCycleEventEmitter
[PEEK-673] - Create PEEP1: Integrate CapacitorJS Into Peek
[PEEK-674] - Merge build-web and src folders in peek mobile, desktop & admin
[PEEK-678] - Replace NativeScript documentation with CapacitorJS documentation
[PEEK-679] - Add compatibility matrix to Synerty docs
[PEEK-685] - Fix Peek field incidents photo finding
[PEEK-688] - @angular and ng-zorro upgrade v9 to v10
[PEEK-717] - Update Peek Packaging Scripts for MacOS and Linux
[PEEK-718] - Segregate Peek into two sub-groups - Community & Enterprise
[PEEK-724] - Update CI pipeline scripts to build Peek community and enterprise releases
[PEEK-733] - Update Peek names in confluence
[PEEK-735] - Update and demo peek_core_screen plugin
[PEEK-738] - Update peek-field-service and peek-office-service
[PEEK-740] - Fix issues with peek-field-switching and prepare demo
[PEEK-742] - Remove enterprise plugin dependencies in peek-plugin-diagram-positioner
[PEEK-743] - Add schema renaming functionality for each applicable plugin
[PEEK-744] - Improve editing icons in peek DMS diagram
[PEEK-745] - Rename peek plugin files, class names and imports
[PEEK-751] - Update Peek Font Family
[PEEK-752] - Update Peek Field and Office config page
[PEEK-753] - Add an offline indicator to the Peek Field and Office apps
[PEEK-755] - Update Peek Field and Office unknown route page
[PEEK-758] - Add ant design config override file for Peek apps
[PEEK-847] - Add The SOS Button Back
[PEEK-853] - Create v3.0.x branch
[PEEK-858] - Update editorconfig and format code for every project
[PEEK-890] - v3 Update synerty-peek installs to use source for PG
[PEEK-894] - v3 Update docs for Py 3.9.1, for macOS
[PEEK-898] - v3 macOS, Python needs –with-openssl –with-zlib flags
[PEEK-349] - Rename peek-mobile to peek-field-app
[PEEK-350] - Rename peek-desktop to peek-office-app
[PEEK-353] - Split peek-client to peek-field-service and peek-office-service
[PEEK-388] - Rename peek-server to run peek-logic-service
[PEEK-591] - 2020-Dec Fix gitlab peek unit tests
[PEEK-703] - Convert peek-plugin-docdb to peek-core-docdb
[PEEK-704] - Rename all peek-plugin-pof/pon plugins to peek-plugin-enmac
[PEEK-705] - Rename peek-worker to peek-worker-service
[PEEK-706] - Rename peek-agent to peek-agent-service
[PEEK-707] - Rename peek-storage to peek-storage-service
[PEEK-709] - Configure Auto-Restart with Systemd
[PEEK-734] - Combine GitLab Packaging Scripts and Generic Linux Packaging Script into One
[PEEK-748] - Update VortexUtil to support multiple “accept from vortex” strings
[PEEK-796] - PNA - Streamline the Creation of Signed Apps
[PEEK-840] - Create peek-office-doc, rename doc- to -doc
[PEEK-849] - Add platform dependency test cases
[PEEK-889] - v3 Add support for Python 3.9.1
[PEEK-891] - v3 Update to NODE v14.15.3
[PEEK-892] - v3 Refactor peek-linux-sonar CI job to not need NODE_VER
[PEEK-893] - v3 Update docs for Py 3.9.1, for Linux
[PEEK-917] - Diagram colours printing incorrectly
[PEEK-687] - Upgrade ant design to v10
[PEEK-689] - Upgrade angular to v10
[PEEK-690] - Create PEEP2 Document