Chaining Deferreds

The callbacks of Deferreds can be linked via the Deferred.chainDeferred function. This makes it so that calling or errbacking the first deferred also triggers the callback or errback of the second.

Functionally, this is the same as adding the callback and errback of the second deferred as a callback and errback of the first respectively.

chainDeferred is a one-way link. Calling back the second Deferred will not trigger the first’s callback unless the second has had its own chainDeferred function called on the first.

When to use it

When you want one Deferred to trigger the callbacks of others.

How to use it

Below we create two deferreds: deferredGetsChained, and deferredMakesChain. Then we call chainDeferred on deferredMakesChain with deferredGetsChained as an argument.

Because deferredGetsChained.callback is now the first of deferredMakesChain’s callbacks, the value of deferredMakesChain is passed to the first callback of deferredGetsChained, which is print. Because deferredGetsChained’s callback has been triggered, it fires its callbacks itself, resulting in it also being printed.:

from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.trial import unittest

class ExampleTests(unittest.TestCase):

    def testDeferredChaining(self):

        # Create two Deferreds
        deferredGetsChained = defer.Deferred()
        deferredMakesChain = defer.Deferred()

        # Give the chain-ee a callback
        deferredGetsChained.addCallback(print, "So was I!")

        # Chain the first Deferred to the second

        # Call the first Deferred back to trigger the callback of the other
        deferredMakesChain.callback("I was called back!")

The output when run should look like this:

I was called back! So was I!

Potentially unexpected behavior

If a second Deferred were to be chained to the first, the first would be printed twice, although its initial value would only be printed once.

In this case, None will be the value of deferredMakesChain at the time that it is called for the second time, as its initial value has already been passed to the first chained Deferred’s callback. deferredMakesChain is still used in both callbacks and is even processed before the values of the chained deferreds themselves:

from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.trial import unittest

class ExampleTests(unittest.TestCase):

    def testDeferredChaining(self):

        # Create two Deferreds
        deferredGetsChained = defer.Deferred()
        deferredAlsoGetsChained = defer.Deferred()
        deferredMakesChain = defer.Deferred()

        # Give the chain-ee a callback
        deferredGetsChained.addCallback(print, "So was I!")
        deferredAlsoGetsChained.addCallback(print, "Me too!")

        # Chain the first Deferred to the second

        # Call the first Deferred back to trigger the callback of the other
        deferredMakesChain.callback("I was called back!")

Which results in something like:

Ran 1 test in 0.127s

I was called back! So was I!
None Me too!