.. _admin_run_synerty_peek: Run Peek Manually ----------------- This section describes the best practices for running the peek platform manually ---- To use bash on windows, install msys git. :ref:`setup_msys_git`, otherwise use powershell on windows. Check Environment ````````````````` Make sure that the right environment is activated. Run the following commands. ---- PowerShell :: (Get-Command python).source (Get-Command run_peek_logic_service).source Or Bash :: which python which run_peek_logic_service ---- Confirm that the output contains the release you wish to use. run_peek_logic_service `````````````````````` This section runs the peek server service of the platform and opens the admin page. ---- Run the following in bash, cmd or powershell :: run_peek_logic_service ---- Open the following URL in a browser, Chrome is recommended. ``_ This is the administration page for the peek platform, otherwise known as the "Admin" service. run_peek_office_service ``````````````````````` This section runs the peek client service, this serves the desktop and mobile web apps and provides data to all desktop and mobile native apps ---- Run the following in bash, cmd or powershell :: run_peek_office_service ---- Open the following URL in a browser, Chrome is recommended. ``_ This is the mobile web app for the peek platform. run_peek_agent_service `````````````````````` The Agent is used to connect to external systems, this section runs the agent service. ---- Run the following in bash, cmd or powershell :: run_peek_agent_service Whats Next `````````` Now that the platform is running, See the next section, :ref:`admin_update_plugin_settings`