Deploy Peek Plugins

Deploying a Production Release

This section deploys the plugins to a virtual environment, see Deploy Peek Platform.

For more information about plugin development and building plugin packages / releases see: Develop Peek Plugins


Windows users must use bash.

Download the file created in Package Peek Plugins

Create the release directory:

mkdir ~/plugin-release-dir

Change to release directory:

cd ~/plugin-release-dir

Unzip the contents of

unzip ~/Downloads/

Ensure that you’re in the Virtual Environment that you want your plugins deployed:

which python

Deploy the plugins:

pip install --no-index --find-links=. peek-plugin*

Read through Administer Peek Platform about updating the service conf.json files to include the deployed plugins.

Restart the server service

You have successfully deployed your peek plugins

What Next?

Refer back to the How to Use Peek Documentation guide to see which document to follow next.