Add Actions


In this document we setup the VortexJS Tuple Actions.

Since the Vortex serialisable base class is called a Tuple, Actions are referred to as “Action Tuples”, and name DoSomethingActionTuple.

A Tuple Action represents an action the user has taken, this can be:

  • Clicking a button (TupleGenericAction)
  • Updating data (TupleUpdateAction)
  • Some other action (extend TupleActionABC)

The Action design is ideal for apps where there are many users observing data more than altering it or performing actions against it.

Typically, users can only perform so many updates per a minute. TupleActions takes the approach of having many small, discrete “Actions” that can be sent back to the server as they are performed.

The Observable then ensures that all users watching the data are updated immediately, Keeping all users working with the latest data as TupleActions processed.

This helps avoid issues, such as one user’s update overwriting another user’s update. These issues you will get if you’re using the VortexJS TupleLoader for many users.

There are two Angular services that provide support for pushing Tuple Actions to the Field service.

  1. TupleActionPushService, for online only actions.
  2. TupleActionPushOfflineService, for actions that will be stored locally and delivered when the device is next online.

Both these services have the same functional interface, pushAction().


On the Logic service, the TupleActionProcessorProxy class receives all the TupleActions, delegates processing to a TupleActionProcessorDelegateABC class. A delegate can be registered to handle just one type of action, and/or a default delegate can be registered to catch all.

Like the Observable, there is a TupleActionProcessorProxy needed in the field service that passes actions onto the Logic service for processing.

Unlike the Observable, the TupleAction Field or Office proxy passes every action onto the Logic service, waits for a response from the Logic service then sends that back to the Field or Office device.

Actions require responses. Callers of the TupleActionPushService will receive a promise which resolve regardless of if the push timed out or failed.

In the case of TupleActionPushOfflineService, a promise is returned and resolved on success of the commit to the database in the Field/Office device.

The TupleActionPushOfflineService will continually retry until it receives either a success or failure response from the Field service.


The Field/Office devices don’t and can’t talk directly to the Logic service.



  1. Reduces the risk of one update overwriting another.
  2. Atomic changes can more easily be buffered when the device is offline.
  3. Smaller, more immediate results for updates.


  1. This could lead to higher resource usage and less efficient commits.


In this document, our plugin will provide the following actions to the user:

  1. Increase or decrease an Int
  2. Toggle capitals of a string

The action will be processed by the Logic Service which will update the table created in Adding a StringInt Table.

This is the order:

  1. Add the Action scaffolding for the project.
  2. Add the Logic side Action Processor
  3. Alter the Observable tutorial UI to incorporate buttons and send the actions.

Add Python Tuples

Add File

The defines a python action tuple.

Create the file peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/tuples/ and populate it with the following contents.

from vortex.Tuple import addTupleType, TupleField
from vortex.TupleAction import TupleActionABC

from peek_plugin_tutorial._private.PluginNames import tutorialTuplePrefix

class StringCapToggleActionTuple(TupleActionABC):
    __tupleType__ = tutorialTuplePrefix + "StringCapToggleActionTuple"

    stringIntId = TupleField()

Add File

The defines a python action tuple.

Create the file peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/tuples/ and populate it with the following contents.

from vortex.Tuple import addTupleType, TupleField
from vortex.TupleAction import TupleActionABC

from peek_plugin_tutorial._private.PluginNames import tutorialTuplePrefix

class AddIntValueActionTuple(TupleActionABC):
    __tupleType__ = tutorialTuplePrefix + "AddIntValueActionTuple"

    stringIntId = TupleField()
    offset = TupleField()

Add TypeScript Tuples

Add StringCapToggleActionTuple.ts

The StringCapToggleActionTuple.ts file defines a TypeScript class for our StringCapToggleActionTuple Tuple Action.

Create file peek_plugin_tutorial/plugin-module/_private/tuples/StringCapToggleActionTuple.ts, with contents

import {addTupleType, Tuple, TupleActionABC} from "@synerty/vortexjs";
import {tutorialTuplePrefix} from "../PluginNames";

export class StringCapToggleActionTuple extends TupleActionABC {
    static readonly tupleName = tutorialTuplePrefix + "StringCapToggleActionTuple";

    stringIntId: number;

    constructor() {

Add AddIntValueActionTuple.ts

The AddIntValueActionTuple.ts file defines a TypeScript class for our AddIntValueActionTuple Tuple Action.

Create file peek_plugin_tutorial/plugin-module/_private/tuples/AddIntValueActionTuple.ts, with contents

import {addTupleType, Tuple, TupleActionABC} from "@synerty/vortexjs";
import {tutorialTuplePrefix} from "../PluginNames";

export class AddIntValueActionTuple extends TupleActionABC {
    public static readonly tupleName = tutorialTuplePrefix + "AddIntValueActionTuple";

    stringIntId: number;
    offset: number;

    constructor() {

Edit File _private/index.ts

The _private/index.ts file will re-export the Tuples in a more standard way. Developers won’t need to know the exact path of the file.

Edit file peek_plugin_tutorial/plugin-module/_private/index.ts, Append the lines:

export {StringCapToggleActionTuple} from "./tuples/StringCapToggleActionTuple";
export {AddIntValueActionTuple} from "./tuples/AddIntValueActionTuple";

Logic Service Setup

Add Package controller

The controller python package will contain the classes that provide logic to the plugin, like a brain controlling limbs.


Though the tutorial creates “controllers”, the plugin developer can decide how ever they want to structure this.

Create the peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/logic/controller package, with the commands

mkdir peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/logic/controller
touch peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/logic/controller/

Add File

The will glue everything together. For large plugins there will be multiple sub controllers.

In this example we have everything in MainController.

Create the file peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/logic/controller/ and populate it with the following contents.

import logging

from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
from vortex.DeferUtil import deferToThreadWrapWithLogger

from vortex.TupleSelector import TupleSelector
from vortex.TupleAction import TupleActionABC
from vortex.handler.TupleActionProcessor import TupleActionProcessorDelegateABC
from vortex.handler.TupleDataObservableHandler import TupleDataObservableHandler

from import StringIntTuple
from peek_plugin_tutorial._private.tuples.StringCapToggleActionTuple import StringCapToggleActionTuple
from peek_plugin_tutorial._private.tuples.AddIntValueActionTuple import AddIntValueActionTuple

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class MainController(TupleActionProcessorDelegateABC):
    def __init__(self, dbSessionCreator, tupleObservable: TupleDataObservableHandler):
        self._dbSessionCreator = dbSessionCreator
        self._tupleObservable = tupleObservable

    def shutdown(self):

    def processTupleAction(self, tupleAction: TupleActionABC) -> Deferred:

        if isinstance(tupleAction, AddIntValueActionTuple):
            return self._processAddIntValue(tupleAction)

        if isinstance(tupleAction, StringCapToggleActionTuple):
            return self._processCapToggleString(tupleAction)

        raise NotImplementedError(tupleAction.tupleName())

    def _processCapToggleString(self, action: StringCapToggleActionTuple):
            # Perform update using SQLALchemy
            session = self._dbSessionCreator()
            row = (session.query(StringIntTuple)
                   .filter( == action.stringIntId)

            # Exit early if the string is empty
            if not row.string1:
                logger.debug("string1 for is empty")

            if row.string1[0].isupper():
                row.string1 = row.string1.lower()
                logger.debug("Toggled to lower")
                row.string1 = row.string1.upper()
                logger.debug("Toggled to upper")


            # Notify the observer of the update
            # This tuple selector must exactly match what the UI observes
            tupleSelector = TupleSelector(StringIntTuple.tupleName(), {})

            # Always close the session after we create it

    def _processAddIntValue(self, action: AddIntValueActionTuple):
            # Perform update using SQLALchemy
            session = self._dbSessionCreator()
            row = (session.query(StringIntTuple)
                   .filter( == action.stringIntId)
            row.int1 += action.offset

            logger.debug("Int changed by %u", action.offset)

            # Notify the observer of the update
            # This tuple selector must exactly match what the UI observes
            tupleSelector = TupleSelector(StringIntTuple.tupleName(), {})

            # Always close the session after we create it

Add File

The class in file, accepts all tuple actions for this plugin and calls the relevant TupleActionProcessorDelegateABC.

Create the file peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/logic/ and populate it with the following contents.

from vortex.handler.TupleActionProcessor import TupleActionProcessor

from peek_plugin_tutorial._private.PluginNames import tutorialFilt
from peek_plugin_tutorial._private.PluginNames import tutorialActionProcessorName
from .controller.MainController import MainController

def makeTupleActionProcessorHandler(mainController: MainController):
    processor = TupleActionProcessor(
    return processor

Edit File

We need to update, it will initialise the
MainController and TupleActionProcessor objects.

Edit the file peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/logic/

  1. Add these imports at the top of the file with the other imports:

    from .TupleActionProcessor import makeTupleActionProcessorHandler
    from .controller.MainController import MainController
  2. Add these line just before logger.debug("started") in the start() method:

    mainController = MainController(

The Action Processor for the Logic Service service is setup now.

Field Service Setup

Add File

The creates the Tuple Action Processor Proxy. This class is responsible for proxying action tuple data between the devices and the Logic Service.

Create the file peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/field/ and populate it with the following contents.

from peek_plugin_base.PeekVortexUtil import peekServerName
from peek_plugin_tutorial._private.PluginNames import tutorialFilt
from peek_plugin_tutorial._private.PluginNames import tutorialActionProcessorName
from vortex.handler.TupleActionProcessorProxy import TupleActionProcessorProxy

def makeTupleActionProcessorProxy():
    return TupleActionProcessorProxy(

Edit File

We need to update, it will initialise the tuple action proxy object when the Plugin is started.

Edit the file peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/field/

  1. Add this import at the top of the file with the other imports:

    from .DeviceTupleProcessorActionProxy import makeTupleActionProcessorProxy
  2. Add this line after the docstring in the start() method:


Office Service Setup

Add File

The creates the Tuple Action Processor Proxy. This class is responsible for proxying action tuple data between the devices and the Logic Service.

Create the file peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/office/ and populate it with the following contents.

from peek_plugin_base.PeekVortexUtil import peekServerName
from peek_plugin_tutorial._private.PluginNames import tutorialFilt
from peek_plugin_tutorial._private.PluginNames import tutorialActionProcessorName
from vortex.handler.TupleActionProcessorProxy import TupleActionProcessorProxy

def makeTupleActionProcessorProxy():
    return TupleActionProcessorProxy(

Edit File

We need to update, it will initialise the tuple action proxy object when the Plugin is started.

Edit the file peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/office/

  1. Add this import at the top of the file with the other imports:

    from .DeviceTupleProcessorActionProxy import makeTupleActionProcessorProxy
  2. Add this line after the docstring in the start() method:


Field App Setup

Now we need to edit the Angular module in the field-app and add the providers:

Edit File tutorial.module.ts

Edit the tutorial.module.ts Angular module for the tutorial plugin to add the provider entry for the TupleAction service.

Edit the file peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/field-app/tutorial.module.ts:

  1. Add the following imports:

    // Import the required classes from VortexJS
    import {
    } from "@synerty/vortexjs";
    // Import the names we need for the
    import {
    } from "@peek/peek_plugin_tutorial/_private";
  2. After the imports, add this function

    export function tupleActionPushNameServiceFactory() {
        return new TupleActionPushNameService(
            tutorialActionProcessorName, tutorialFilt);
  3. Finally, add this snippet to the providers array in the @NgModule decorator

    TupleActionPushOfflineService, TupleActionPushService, {
        provide: TupleActionPushNameService,
        useFactory: tupleActionPushNameServiceFactory

It should look similar to the following:


import {
} from "@synerty/vortexjs";

import {
} from "@peek/peek_plugin_tutorial/_private";


export function tupleActionPushNameServiceFactory() {
    return new TupleActionPushNameService(
        tutorialActionProcessorName, tutorialFilt);

    providers: [
        TupleActionPushOfflineService, TupleActionPushService, {
            provide: TupleActionPushNameService,
            useFactory: tupleActionPushNameServiceFactory
export class TutorialModule {


At this point, all of the Tuple Action setup is done. It’s much easier to work with the tuple action code from here on.

Add Mobile View

Finally, lets add a new component to the mobile screen.

Edit File string-int.component.ts

Edit the file, string-int.component.ts to connect the tuple action to the frontend.

edit the file peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/field-app/string-int/string-int.component.ts

  1. Add the following imports:
import {TupleActionPushService} from "@synerty/vortexjs";

import {
} from "@peek/peek_plugin_tutorial/_private";
  1. Add private actionService: TupleActionPushService to the constructor argument:
constructor(private actionService: TupleActionPushService,
    ...) {
  1. Finally, add the methods to the StringIntComponent class after the constructor:
toggleUpperClicked(item) {
    let action = new StringCapToggleActionTuple();
    action.stringIntId =;
        .then(() => {

        .catch((err) => {

incrementClicked(item) {
    let action = new AddIntValueActionTuple();
    action.stringIntId =;
    action.offset = 1;
        .then(() => {

        .catch((err) => {

decrementClicked(item) {
    let action = new AddIntValueActionTuple();
    action.stringIntId =;
    action.offset = -1;
        .then(() => {

        .catch((err) => {

It should look similar to the following:


import {
} from "@peek/peek_plugin_tutorial/_private";


    constructor(private actionService: TupleActionPushService,
                ...) {


    incrementClicked(item) {
        let action = new AddIntValueActionTuple();
        action.stringIntId =;
        action.offset = 1;
            .then(() => {

            .catch((err) => {

    decrementClicked(item) {
        let action = new AddIntValueActionTuple();
        action.stringIntId =;
        action.offset = -1;
            .then(() => {

            .catch((err) => {

    mainClicked() {


Edit File string-int.component.mweb.html

Edit the web HTML view file, string-int.component.mweb.html and insert buttons that will change initiate the created tuple actions.

Edit the file peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/field-app/string-int/string-int.component.mweb.html and populate it with the following contents:

<div class="container">
    <Button class="btn btn-default" (click)="mainClicked()">Back to Main</Button>

    <table class="table table-striped">
        <tr *ngFor="let item of stringInts">
                <Button class="btn btn-default" (click)="toggleUpperClicked(item)">
                    Toggle Caps
                <Button class="btn btn-default" (click)="incrementClicked(item)">
                    Increment Int
                <Button class="btn btn-default" (click)="decrementClicked(item)">
                    Decrement Int


  1. Open Field web app
  2. Tap the Tutorial app icon
  3. Tap the “String Ints” button
  4. Expect to see the string ints data
  5. Select the “Toggle Caps” button
  6. If successful an alert will appear stating “success”. If you receive an error, go back through the “Add Actions” instructions. Restart the logic service and retry step five
  7. You will see the data update instantly
  8. Return to step five for buttons “Increment Int” and “Decrement Int”

Offline Observable

The Synerty VortexJS library has an TupleDataOfflineObserverService, once offline storage has been setup, (here Add Offline Storage), the offline observable is a drop in replacement.

When using the offline observable, it will:

  1. Queue a request to observe the data, sending it to the field service
  2. Query the SQL db in the browser/field device, and return the data for the observer. This provides instant data for the user.

When new data is sent to the the observer (Field/Office service) from the observable (Field Service), the offline observer does two things:

  1. Notifies the subscribers like normal
  2. Stores the data back into the offline db, in the browser / app.

Edit File string-int.component.ts

TupleDataOfflineObserverService is a drop-in replacement for TupleDataObserverService.

Switching to use the offline observer requires two edits to string-int.component.ts.

Edit file peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/field-app/string-int/string-int.component.ts.

Add the import for the TupleDataOfflineObserverService:

import TupleDataOfflineObserverService from "@synerty/vortexjs";

Change the type of the tupleDataObserver parameter in the component constructor, EG,


constructor(private tupleDataObserver: TupleDataObserverService, ...) {


constructor(private tupleDataObserver: TupleDataOfflineObserverService, ...) {

That’s it. Now the String Int data will load on the device, even when the Vortex between the device and the field service is offline.