Scaffolding From Scratch

In this section we’ll create the basic files we need for a plugin.

Plugin Name:


We’ll finish up with a plugin which we can build a python package for, but it won’t run on any services, we’ll add that later.

Plugin File Structure

Create Directory peek-plugin-tutorial

peek-plugin-tutorial is the name of the project directory, it could be anything. For consistency, we name it the same as the plugin with hyphens instead of underscores, Python can’t import directories with hyphens, so there will be no confusion there.

This directory will contain our plugin package, documentation, build scripts, README, license, etc. These won’t be included when the python package is built and deployed.

Create the plugin project root directory, and CD to it.



mkdir peek-plugin-tutorial
cd peek-plugin-tutorial


Future commands will be run from the plugin project root directory.

Add File .gitignore

The .gitignore file tells the git version control software to ignore certain files in the project. gitignore - Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore.

Create .gitignore, and populate it with the following

# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files

# auth generated js and jsmap files

# Distribution / packaging

Add .editorconfig

Create the file .editorconfig, with the following content:


root = true

indent_style = space
indent_size = 4
insert_final_newline = true
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
end_of_line = lf
charset = utf-8

Add Package peek_plugin_tutorial

Package peek_plugin_tutorial is the root python package. for our plugin.

This package will contain everything that is packaged up and deployed for the Peek Platform to run. This includes:

  • The public declarations of the APIs used by other plugins. They are declared using Python Abstract Base Classes.
  • Private code that other plugins shouldn’t reference.
  • Angular2 Components, modules, services and HTML.


Commands will be run from the plugin project root directory, which is peek-plugin-tutorial.

Create the peek_plugin_tutorial Package. Commands:

mkdir -p peek_plugin_tutorial
touch peek_plugin_tutorial/

Add the version string to the peek_plugin_tutorial package.

echo "__version__ = '0.0.0'" > peek_plugin_tutorial/


This version is automatically updated by the script.

Add Package _private

Package peek_plugin_tutorial._private will contain the parts of the plugin that won’t be exposed/shared for other plugins to use.

Create the peek_plugin_tutorial._private Package. Commands:

mkdir -p peek_plugin_tutorial/_private
touch peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/

The structure should now be:

└── .gitignore
└── peek_plugin_tutorial
    └── _private

Add File

The file tells the python distribution tools how to create a distributable file for the plugin. Read more here.

Download from peek-plugin-noop/

Modify the options near the top of the file for your plugin. We’ve modified the following values:

  • py_package_name
  • description
  • package_version
# Modify these values to fork a new plugin
author = "Synerty"
author_email = ''
py_package_name = "peek_plugin_tutorial"
pip_package_name = py_package_name.replace('_', '-')
package_version = '0.0.0'
description = 'Peek Plugin Tutorial - My first enhancement.'

download_url = ''
download_url %= pip_package_name, package_version
url = '' % pip_package_name

Add File

The file is custom script for building and publishing the plugin that performs the following tasks:

  • Updates the version number in the project text files.
  • Pushes tags to git
  • Copies the built releases to $RELEASE_DIR if defined
  • Runs
  • Pushes the release to

Download from peek-plugin-noop/

Modify the options near the top. We’ve modified the following:

# Configure package preferences here

# Leave blank not to publish
# Or select one of the index servers defined in ~/.pypirc

Create with the following content:

#!/usr/bin/env bash




Add File README.rst

The file:README.rst file is a verbose description of this plugin, it’s the file that version control systems, such as BitBucket or GitHub will display when the project is viewed on their sites.

It’s ideal to include a great overview about the plugin in this file.

Create a README, create a README.rst file and populate it.

Here is a suggestion:

Tutorial Plugin 1

This is a Peek Plugin, from the tutorial.

Add File plugin_package.json

The plugin_package.json describes the plugin to the Peek Platform. These details include:

  • The version
  • The name
  • Which services the plugin needs
  • Additional settings for each service
  • File locations for the Angular applications (admin, office and field)
  • The path of the icon for the plugin,
  • ect.

Create the peek_plugin_tutorial/plugin_package.json file with the following contents:

    "plugin": {
        "title": "Tutorial Plugin",
        "packageName": "peek_plugin_tutorial",
        "version": "0.0.0",
        "buildNumber": "#PLUGIN_BUILD#",
        "buildDate": "#BUILD_DATE#",
        "creator": "Synerty Pty Ltd",
        "website": ""
    "requiresServices": [
    "admin": {
        "moduleDir": "plugin-module"
    "field": {
        "moduleDir": "plugin-module"
    "office": {
        "moduleDir": "plugin-module"

Check that your plugin now looks like this:

├── peek_plugin_tutorial
│   ├──
│   ├── plugin_package.json
│   └── _private
│       └──
├── README.rst

Add File

The file defines some constants that are used throughout the plugin. More details on where these are used will be later in the documentation.

Since all of the plugin is on the one package, both the part of the plugin running on the logic service and the part of the plugin running on the field or office apps can import this file.

Guaranteeing that there is no mismatch of names when they send data to each other.

Create the peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/ file with the following contents:

tutorialPluginName = "peek_plugin_tutorial"
tutorialFilt = {"plugin": "peek_plugin_tutorial"}
tutorialTuplePrefix = "peek_plugin_tutorial."
tutorialObservableName = "peek_plugin_tutorial"
tutorialActionProcessorName = "peek_plugin_tutorial"
tutorialTupleOfflineServiceName = "peek_plugin_tutorial"

Add Directory plugin-module/_private

We now move onto the frontends, and TypeScript.

The plugin-module/_private directory will contain code that shouldn’t be used outside of this plugin.

The plugin-module directory will contain any code that needs to be either:

  • Running all the time in the background.
  • Shared with other modules.

This directory is sync’d to node_modules/@peek/peek_plugin_tutorial on field, admin and office services.

Developers can use some index.ts magic to abstract the layout of their directories. An exmaple of importing declaration is as follows:

import {tutorialFilt} from "@peek/peek_plugin_tutorial/_private";

Create directory peek_plugin_tutorial/plugin-module/_private, with command

mkdir -p peek_plugin_tutorial/plugin-module/_private

Add File package.json

The package.json file is required to keep NPM from winging, since this directory is linked in under node_modules/@peek

Create file peek_plugin_tutorial/plugin-module/package.json, with contents

  "name": "@peek/peek_plugin_tutorial",
  "version": "0.0.0"

Add File PluginNames.ts

The PluginNames.ts file defines constants used by this plugin to define, payload filts, tuple names, oberservable names, etc.

Create file peek_plugin_tutorial/plugin-module/_private/PluginNames.ts, with contents

export let tutorialFilt = {"plugin": "peek_plugin_tutorial"};
export let tutorialTuplePrefix = "peek_plugin_tutorial.";

export let tutorialObservableName = "peek_plugin_tutorial";
export let tutorialActionProcessorName = "peek_plugin_tutorial";
export let tutorialTupleOfflineServiceName = "peek_plugin_tutorial";

export let tutorialBaseUrl = "peek_plugin_tutorial";

Add File _private/index.ts

The _private/index.ts file defines exports from other files in _private.

This lets the code import tutorialFilt from "@peek/peek_plugin_tutorial/_private"; work instead of import tutorialFilt from "@peek/peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/PluginNames";.

It seems trival a this point, but it becomes more usefull as the TypeScript code grows.

Create file peek_plugin_tutorial/plugin-module/_private/index.ts, with contents

export * from "./PluginNames";

Install in Development Mode

Installing the plugin in development mode, links the development directory of the plugin (the directory we create in these instructions) into the python virtual environment.

With this link in place, any python code that want’s to use our plugin, is able to import it, and the code run will be the code we’re working on.

Install the python plugin package in development mode, run the following:

# Check to ensure we're using the right python
which python

python develop

You can test that it’s worked with the following python code, run the following in bash:

python << EOPY
import peek_plugin_tutorial
import os

You now have a basic plugin. In the next section we’ll make it run on some services.