Add Documentation

Why does a plugin need documentation? A peek plugin needs documentation to help developers focus on what it needs to do, and allow other developers to use the APIs it shares.

Then it helps Peek admins determine the plugins requirements and if there is a need for it.

Documenting software can be a complicated and a tedious task. There are many things to consider:

  • Documentation must be versioned with the code, making sure features match, etc.

  • Documentation must be available for each version of the code, your documentation will branch as many times as your code will, 1.0, 1.1, etc

  • Documentation must be updated as features are added and changed in the code.

These are a few of the conundrums around the complexity of software documentation. Fortunately there are some fantastic tools around to solve these issues, and you’re reading the result of those tools right now.

Sphinx is a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentation.

Documentation File Structure

The peek-plugin is structured in such a way that the plugin developer can create documentation for 3 different audiences:

  • Administrators

  • Users

  • Developers

Add Admin Documentation

Create directory peek_plugin_tutorial/admin_doc:

mkdir -p peek_plugin_tutorial/admin_doc

Create the file index.rst: within the directory peek_plugin_tutorial/admin_doc with following content:


The Peek-Plugin-Tutorial plugin performs the following:

-   Point 1

-   Point 2

Edit the file peek_plugin_tutorial/plugin_package.json:

Add “admin_doc” to the requiredServices section so it looks like:

"requiresServices": [

Add the “admin_doc” section after requiresServices section:

"admin_doc": {
    "docDir": "admin_doc",
    "docRst": "index.rst"

Ensure your JSON is still valid (Your IDE may help here)

Here is an example:

    "plugin": {
    "requiresServices": [
    "admin_doc": {
        "docDir": "admin_doc",
        "docRst": "index.rst"

Create a new rst file in the admin_doc directory.

Place a unique reference link at the beginning of the file before the Title.

An example of the reference link above the section title:

.. _learn_plugin_development_add_docs:

Add Documentation

Add User Documentation


These steps are almost identical to the Admin documentation.

Create directory peek_plugin_tutorial/both-doc:

mkdir -p peek_plugin_tutorial/both-doc

Create the file index.rst: within the directory peek_plugin_tutorial/both-doc with following content:

User Guide

This plugin can be used by clicking on the menu icon, etc.

Edit the file peek_plugin_tutorial/plugin_package.json:

Add “both-doc” to the requiredServices section so it looks like:

"requiresServices": [

Add the “both-doc” section after requiresServices section:

"both-doc": {
    "docDir": "both-doc",
    "docRst": "index.rst"

Create a new rst file in the both-doc directory.

Place a unique reference link at the beginning of the file before the Title.

An example of the reference link above the section title:

.. _learn_plugin_development_add_docs:

Add Documentation

Add Developer Documentation


These steps are almost identical to the Admin documentation.

Create directory peek_plugin_tutorial/doc-dev:

mkdir -p peek_plugin_tutorial/doc-dev

Create the file index.rst: within the directory peek_plugin_tutorial/doc-dev with following content:


This plugins architecture is as follows <insert images, etc>

Edit the file peek_plugin_tutorial/plugin_package.json:

Add “doc-dev” to the requiredServices section so it looks like:

"requiresServices": [

Add the “doc-dev” section after requiresServices section:

"doc-dev": {
    "docDir": "doc-dev",
    "docRst": "index.rst",
    "hasApi": false

If your plugin has a public python API, then ensure hasApi above is set to true.

Check Logic Service Config

The logic service builds the admin and dev documentation.

Edit the ~/peek-logic-service.home/config.json and ensure the following options are set.

  • Ensure frontend.docBuildEnabled is set to true, with no quotes

  • Ensure frontend.docBuildPrepareEnabled is set to true, with no quotes


    "frontend": {
        "docBuildEnabled": true,
        "docBuildPrepareEnabled": true

Check Field Service Config

The field service builds the user documentation.

Edit the ~/peek-field-service.home/config.json and ensure the following options are set.

  • Ensure frontend.docBuildEnabled is set to true, with no quotes

  • Ensure frontend.docBuildPrepareEnabled is set to true, with no quotes


    "frontend": {
        "docBuildEnabled": true,
        "docBuildPrepareEnabled": true

Check Office Service Config

The office service builds the user documentation.

Edit the ~/peek-office-service.home/config.json and ensure the following options are set.

  • Ensure frontend.docBuildEnabled is set to true, with no quotes

  • Ensure frontend.docBuildPrepareEnabled is set to true, with no quotes


    "frontend": {
        "docBuildEnabled": true,
        "docBuildPrepareEnabled": true

Viewing Documentation

The documentation from each peek plugin is loaded into three projects by peek-logic (Admin, Development) and peek-office (User).

The documentation packages are as follows







To view the documentation, you can run This will generate the documentation, serve it with a web server and live refresh a web page when a browser is connected to it.

Locate the relevant python project. These instructions will demonstrate with the “Admin” documentation.

Run the following to find the location of peek_admin_doc

python - <<EOF
import peek_admin_doc

This will return the following, which you can get the location of peek_admin_doc from.

peek@_peek ~ % python - <<EOF
import peek_admin_doc


Navigate to peek_admin_doc from the step above and run the following command:

cd /Users/peek/dev-peek/peek-admin-doc/peek_admin_doc

In your browser, connect to the docs web server that displays at the end of its start.

[I 200505 20:51:48 server:296] Serving on


The shell script won’t always build a change in the toctree while running. If you update the toctree or modify headings it is good practice to stop, run rm -rf dist/* and restart


version is the Peek version that is deployed. For example: 2.1.7


Windows users must use bash and run the commands from the plugin root directory.

For more information on document formatting, please visit ReStructuredText Cheat Sheet.

What Next?

Start developing your own plugins.