Add Tuple Loader


In this document, we’ll use the TupleLoader from VortexJS to load and update some settings from the tables created in Adding a StringInt Table and tuples created in Add Tuples.

The Admin and Logic services talk to each other via a Vortex, this is the name given to the transport layer of VortexJS and VortexPY.

A plugin developer could choose to use standard HTTP requests with JSON, however, the Vortex maintains a persistent connection unless it’s shutdown.


This document modifies both the logic and admin parts of the plugin.


  1. Easily edit table data.


  1. Not suitable for multiple users.

Logic Service Scaffold

This section sets up the non specific files needed when we add the Tuple Load Handlers.

Add Package admin_backend

The admin_backend python package will contain the classes that provide data sources to the Admin web app.

Create the peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/logic/admin_backend package, with the commands

mkdir peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/logic/admin_backend
touch peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/logic/admin_backend/

Edit File admin_backend/

In this step, we add a setup method on the admin_backend package, this setup method then loads all the handlers needed for the backend.

This just helps sectionalise the code a bit.

The makeAdminBackendHandlers method is a generator because we use yield. We can yield more items after the first one, the calling will get an iterable return.

Edit file peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/logic/admin_backend/ Add the following:

def makeAdminBackendHandlers(dbSessionCreator):

Edit File

Now, we need to create and destroy our admin_backend handlers when the Logic Service starts the plugin.

If you look at self._loadedObjects, you’ll see that the stop() method shuts down all objects we add to this array. So adding to this array serves two purposes

  1. It keeps a reference to the object, ensuring it isn’t garbage collected when the start() method ends.

  2. It ensures all the objects are properly shutdown. In our case, this means it stops listening for payloads.

Edit file peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/logic/ :

  1. Add this import up the top of the file

    from .admin_backend import makeAdminBackendHandlers
  2. Add this line after the docstring in the start() method


The method should now look similar to this

def start(self):
    """ Load

    This will be called when the plugin is loaded, just after the db is migrated.
    Place any custom initialiastion steps here.


Test Python Services

The backend changes are complete, please run run_peek_logic_service to ensure that there are no problems here.

StringInt Logic Service

Add the handler that will listen to the StringInt tuple loader.

Add File

The listens for payload from the Admin service (frontend) These payloads are delivered by the vortex.

When the OrmCrudHandler class in the Logic services receives the payloads from the TupleLoader in the Admin frontend, it creates, reads, updates or deletes (CRUD) data in the the database.

Create the file peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/admin_backend/ and populate it with the following contents.

import logging

from peek_plugin_tutorial._private.PluginNames import tutorialFilt
from import StringIntTuple

from vortex.sqla_orm.OrmCrudHandler import OrmCrudHandler

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# This dict matches the definition in the Admin angular app.
filtKey = {"key": "admin.Edit.StringIntTuple"}

# This is the CRUD hander
class __CrudHandler(OrmCrudHandler):

    # If we only wanted to edit a subset of the data, this is how it's done
    # def createDeclarative(self, session, payloadFilt):
    #     lookupName = payloadFilt["lookupName"]
    #     return (session.query(StringIntTuple)
    #             .filter(StringIntTuple.lookupName == lookupName)
    #             .all())

# This method creates an instance of the handler class.
def makeStringIntTableHandler(dbSessionCreator):
    handler = __CrudHandler(dbSessionCreator, StringIntTuple,
                            filtKey, retreiveAll=True)

    return handler

Edit File admin_backend/

In this step, we add a setup method on the admin_backend package, this setup method then loads all the handlers needed for the backend.

This just helps sectionalise the code a bit.

The makeAdminBackendHandlers method is a generator because we use yield. We can yield more items after the first one, the calling will get an iterable return.

Edit file peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/logic/admin_backend/

  1. Add the following python import to the top fo the file

    from .StringIntTableHandler import makeStringIntTableHandler

#. Find the method def makeAdminBackendHandlers(dbSessionCreator): Add the following line to it

yield makeStringIntTableHandler(dbSessionCreator)

StringInt Admin Service

This section adds the tuple loader support in for the StringInt test tuple. these changes are in TypeScript and run in Angular / The frontend.

Add Directory edit-string-int-table

The edit-string-int-table directory will contain the view and controller that allows us to edit data in the admin app.

Create the peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/admin-app/edit-string-int-table directory, with the command

mkdir peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/admin-app/edit-string-int-table

Add File edit.component.html

The edit.component.html file is the HTML file for the Angular component (edit.component.ts) we create next.

This view will display the data, allow us to edit it and save it.

Create the file peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/admin-app/edit-string-int-table/edit.component.html and populate it with the following contents.

<div class="panel panel-default">
    <div class="panel-heading">Edit String Ints
        <div class="btn-toolbar pull-right">
            <div class="btn-group">
                <div class="btn btn-default btn-sm" (click)='save()'>
                <div class="btn btn-default btn-sm" (click)='resetClicked()'>
                <div class="btn btn-default btn-sm" (click)='addRow()'>
    <div class="panel-body">
        <table class="table">
                <th>String 1</th>
                <th>Int 1</th>
            <tr *ngFor="let item of items">
                    <input [(ngModel)]="item.string1"
                           class="form-control input-sm"
                    <input [(ngModel)]="item.int1"
                           class="form-control input-sm"
                    <div class="btn btn-default" (click)='removeRow(item)'>
                        <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-minus" aria-hidden="true"></span>

There are two buttons in this HTML that are related to the TupleLoader, these call methods on the loader,, loader.load().

Add File edit.component.ts

The edit.component.ts is the Angular Component for the new edit page.

In this component:

  1. We inherit from NgLifeCycleEvents, this provides a little automatic unsubscription magic for VortexJS

  2. We define the filt, this is a dict that is used by payloads to describe where payloads should be routed to on the other end.

  3. We ask Angular to inject the Vortex services we need, this is in the constructor.

  4. We get the VortexService to create a new TupleLoader.

  5. We subscribe to the data from the TupleLoader.

Create the file peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/admin-app/edit-string-int-table/edit.component.ts and populate it with the following contents.

import {Component, OnInit} from "@angular/core";
import { BalloonMsgService, NgLifeCycleEvents } from "@synerty/peek-plugin-base-js"
import {
} from "@synerty/vortexjs";
import {StringIntTuple,
} from "@peek/peek_plugin_tutorial/_private";

    selector: 'pl-tutorial-edit-string-int',
    templateUrl: './edit.component.html'
export class EditStringIntComponent extends NgLifeCycleEvents {
    // This must match the dict defined in the admin_backend handler
    private readonly filt = {
        "key": "admin.Edit.StringIntTuple"

    items: StringIntTuple[] = [];
    itemsToDelete: StringIntTuple[] = [];

    loader: TupleLoader;

    constructor(private balloonMsg: BalloonMsgService,
                vortexService: VortexService) {

        this.loader = vortexService.createTupleLoader(this,
            () => {
                let filt = extend({}, this.filt, tutorialFilt);
                // If we wanted to filter the data we get, we could add this
                // filt["lookupName"] = 'lookupType';
                return filt;

            .subscribe((tuples:StringIntTuple[]) => {
                this.items = tuples;
                this.itemsToDelete = [];

    addRow() {
        let t = new StringIntTuple();
        // Add any values needed for this list here, EG, for a lookup list you might add:
        // t.lookupName = this.lookupName;

    removeRow(item) {
        if ( != null)

        let index: number = this.items.indexOf(item);
        if (index !== -1) {
            this.items.splice(index, 1);

    save() {
        let itemsToDelete = this.itemsToDelete;
            .then(() => {
                if (itemsToDelete.length != 0) {
                    return this.loader.del(itemsToDelete);
            .then(() => this.balloonMsg.showSuccess("Save Successful"))
            .catch(e => this.balloonMsg.showError(e));

    resetClicked() {
            .then(() => this.balloonMsg.showSuccess("Reset Successful"))
            .catch(e => this.balloonMsg.showError(e));


Edit File tutorial.component.html

Update the tutorial.component.html to insert the new EditStringIntComponent component into the HTML.

Edit the file peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/admin-app/tutorial.component.html:

  1. Find the </ul> tag and insert the following before that line:

    <!-- Edit String Int Tab -->
    <li role="presentation">
        <a href="#editStringInt" aria-controls="editStringInt" role="tab"
           data-toggle="tab">Edit String Int</a>
  2. Find the <div class="tab-content"> tag and insert the following after the line it:

    <!-- Edit String Int Tab -->
    <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="editStringInt">

Edit File tutorial.module.ts

Edit the tutorial.module.ts Angular Module to import the EditStringIntComponent component.

Edit the peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/admin-app/tutorial.module.ts:

  1. Add this import statement with the imports at the top of the file:

    import {EditStringIntComponent} from "./edit-string-int-table/edit.component";
  2. Add EditStringIntComponent to the declarations array, EG:

    declarations: [TutorialComponent, EditStringIntComponent]

Test StringInt Tuple Loader

Restart the Logic Service, so that it rebuilds the Admin Angular Web app.

Navigate your browser to the admin page, select plugins, and then select the “Edit String Int” tab.

Settings Logic Service

Add the handler that will listen to the StringInt tuple loader.

Add File

The listens for payload from the Admin service (frontend) These payloads are delivered by the vortex.

Create the file peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/admin_backend/ and populate it with the following contents.

import logging
from vortex.sqla_orm.OrmCrudHandler import OrmCrudHandler

from peek_plugin_tutorial._private.PluginNames import tutorialFilt
from import SettingProperty, globalSetting

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# This dict matches the definition in the Admin angular app.
filtKey = {"key": "admin.Edit.SettingProperty"}

# This is the CRUD handler
class __CrudHandler(OrmCrudHandler):
    # The UI only edits the global settings
    # You could get more complicated and have the UI edit different groups of settings.
    def createDeclarative(self, session, payloadFilt):
        return [p for p in globalSetting(session).propertyObjects]

# This method creates an instance of the handler class.
def makeSettingPropertyHandler(dbSessionCreator):
    handler = __CrudHandler(dbSessionCreator, SettingProperty,
                            filtKey, retreiveAll=True)

    return handler

Edit File admin_backend/

In this step, we add the new handler to the makeAdminBackendHandlers function, this will start them when the plugin loads.

Edit file peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/logic/admin_backend/

  1. Add the following python import to the top fo the file

    from .SettingPropertyHandler import makeSettingPropertyHandler

#. Find the method def makeAdminBackendHandlers(dbSessionCreator): Add the following line to it

yield makeSettingPropertyHandler(dbSessionCreator)

Settings Admin Service

This section adds the tuple loader support in for the SettingProperty tuples. These changes are in TypeScript and run in Angular / The frontend.

Add Directory edit-setting-table

The edit-setting-table directory will contain the view and controller that allows us to edit settings in the admin app.

Create the peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/admin-app/edit-setting-table directory, with the command

mkdir peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/admin-app/edit-setting-table

Add File edit.component.html

The edit.component.html file is the HTML file for the Angular component (edit.component.ts) we create next.

This view will display the data, allow us to edit it and save it.

Create the file peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/admin-app/edit-setting-table/edit.component.html and populate it with the following contents.

<div class="panel panel-default">
    <div class="panel-body">
        <form autocomplete="off" novalidate>
            <table class="table">
                <tr *ngFor="let item of items">
                    <td *ngIf="item.type == 'boolean' ">
                        <Button class="btn"
                                (click)="item.boolean_value = ! item.boolean_value">
                            {{item.boolean_value ? "True" : "False"}}
                    <td *ngIf="item.type == 'integer' ">
                        <input [(ngModel)]="item.int_value"
                               class="form-control input-sm"/>
                    <td *ngIf="item.key.endsWith('pass') && item.type == 'string' ">
                        <input [(ngModel)]="item.char_value"
                               class="form-control input-sm"/>
                    <td *ngIf="!item.key.endsWith('pass') && item.type == 'string' ">
                        <input [(ngModel)]="item.char_value"
                               class="form-control input-sm"/>

            <div class="btn-toolbar">
                <div class="btn-group">
                    <div class="btn btn-default" (click)='saveClicked()'>
                    <div class="btn btn-default" (click)='resetClicked()'>

There are two buttons in this HTML that are related to the TupleLoader, these call methods on the loader,, loader.load().

Add File edit.component.ts

The edit.component.ts is the Angular Component for the new edit settings page.

Create the file peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/admin-app/edit-setting-table/edit.component.ts and populate it with the following contents.

import {Component} from "@angular/core";
import { BalloonMsgService, NgLifeCycleEvents } from "@synerty/peek-plugin-base-js"
import {
} from "@synerty/vortexjs";
import {SettingPropertyTuple, tutorialFilt} from "@peek/peek_plugin_tutorial/_private";

    selector: 'pl-tutorial-edit-setting',
    templateUrl: './edit.component.html'
export class EditSettingComponent extends NgLifeCycleEvents {
    // This must match the dict defined in the admin_backend handler
    private readonly filt = {
        "key": "admin.Edit.SettingProperty"

    items: SettingPropertyTuple[] = [];

    loader: TupleLoader;

    constructor(private balloonMsg: BalloonMsgService,
                vortexService: VortexService) {

        this.loader = vortexService.createTupleLoader(this,
            () => extend({}, this.filt, tutorialFilt));

            .subscribe((tuples:SettingPropertyTuple[]) => this.items = tuples);

    saveClicked() {
            .then(() => this.balloonMsg.showSuccess("Save Successful"))
            .catch(e => this.balloonMsg.showError(e));

    resetClicked() {
            .then(() => this.balloonMsg.showSuccess("Reset Successful"))
            .catch(e => this.balloonMsg.showError(e));


Edit File tutorial.component.html

Update the tutorial.component.html to insert the new EditSettingComponent component into the HTML.

Edit the file peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/admin-app/tutorial.component.html:

  1. Find the </ul> tag and insert the following before that line:

    <!-- Edit Settings Tab -->
    <li role="presentation">
        <a href="#editSetting" aria-controls="editSetting" role="tab"
           data-toggle="tab">Edit Settings</a>
  2. Find the <div class="tab-content"> tag and insert the following after the line it:

    <!-- Edit Settings Tab -->
    <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="editSetting">

Edit File tutorial.module.ts

Edit the tutorial.module.ts Angular Module to import the EditSettingComponent component.

Edit the peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/admin-app/tutorial.module.ts:

  1. Add this import statement with the imports at the top of the file:

    import {EditSettingComponent} from "./edit-setting-table/edit.component";
  2. Add EditSettingComponent to the declarations array, EG:

    declarations: [TutorialComponent, EditStringIntComponent, EditSettingComponent]

Test Settings Tuple Loader

Restart the Logic Service, so that it rebuilds the Admin Angular Web app.

Navigate your browser to the admin page, select plugins, and then select the “Edit Settings” tab.