Add Offline Storage


The Offline Storage is used by the Field and Office services. It provides an easy way to save and load tuples in the devices

This data can be accessed offline, or loaded before the Field or Office service has responded to a request for data.

In this document, we setup a provider for the Angular Service.

Field Service

Edit File tutorial.module.ts

Edit the tutorial.module.ts Angular module for the tutorial plugin to add the provider entry for the storage service.

Edit the file peek_plugin_tutorial/_private/field-app/tutorial.module.ts:

  1. Add the following imports:

    // Import the required classes from VortexJS
    import {
    } from "@synerty/vortexjs";
    // Import the names we need for the
    import {
    } from "@peek/peek_plugin_tutorial/_private";
  2. After the imports, add this function

    export function tupleOfflineStorageNameServiceFactory() {
        return new TupleOfflineStorageNameService(tutorialTupleOfflineServiceName);
  3. Finally, add this snippet to the providers array in the @NgModule decorator

    TupleOfflineStorageService, {
        provide: TupleOfflineStorageNameService,

It should look similar to the following:


import {
} from "@synerty/vortexjs";
import {
} from "@peek/peek_plugin_tutorial/_private";


export function tupleOfflineStorageNameServiceFactory() {
    return new TupleOfflineStorageNameService(tutorialTupleOfflineServiceName);

    providers: [
        TupleOfflineStorageService, {
            provide: TupleOfflineStorageNameService,
export class TutorialModule {



The tutorial plugin is now setup to use the TupleOffline serivce. This service is used by TupleActionPushOfflineService and TupleDataOfflineObserverService services.

A developer can use the TupleOfflineStorageService service if they wish but thats out side the scope of this tutorial.