
This document provides information on the Peek Platform logs.

The Peek Platform has several services, each one of these services has their own log.

The logs are written to the peek user’s home directory, for example, the Peek Logic Service logfile is located at /home/peek/peek-logic-service.log.

The logs are rotated when they reach 20mb, maintaining the last two old log files.

The log level for each service can be configured in the services config.json located in the services config directory for example /home/peek/peek-logic-service.home/config.json.

Change the log level with this setting:

"logging": {
    "level": "DEBUG"

The value must match the “Level” column in this document : https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/logging.html?highlight=logging#levels

System Administrators should monitor the Peek logs. Generally only WARNING or ERROR messages will require some concern.