Configure Mutual TLS

To configure the Logic Service for mutual TLS:

  1. In the config.json file, locate the section httpServer-> dataExchange.

  2. Update sslBundleFilePath with the file path to the peek_bundle.pem file.

  3. Update sslMutualTLSCertificateAuthorityBundleFilePath with the file path to the peek_mtls_ca_bundle.pem file.

  4. Update sslMutualTLSTrustedPeerCertificateBundleFilePath with the file path to the peek_mtls_trusted_peer_bundle.pem file.

  5. Update sslEnableMutualTLS to true

  6. Update useSsl to true

"httpServer": {
    "dataExchange": {
        "sitePort": 8011,
        "sslBundleFilePath": "/tmp/self-signed/peek_bundle.pem",
        "sslEnableMutualTLS": true,
        "sslMutualTLSCertificateAuthorityBundleFilePath": "/tmp/self-signed/peek_mtls_ca_bundle.pem",
        "sslMutualTLSTrustedPeerCertificateBundleFilePath": "/tmp/self-signed/peek_mtls_trusted_peer_bundle.pem",
        "useSsl": true

Configure the Mutual TLS on the Peek Services, update the Peek Agent, Field, Office, and Worker services .json files with the following:

  1. In the configuration file, locate the dataExchange section.

  2. Update host with the domain name of Peek Logic which matches pattern *.peek.local TODO

  3. Ensure the DNS service on current mutual TLS client resolves the domain name in host to the IP of Peek Logic server.

  4. Update sslClientBundleFilePath with the file path to the peek_bundle.pem file.

  5. Update sslClientMutualTLSCertificateAuthorityBundleFilePath with the file path to the peek_mtls_ca_bundle.pem file.

  6. Update sslMutualTLSTrustedPeerCertificateBundleFilePath with the file path to the peek_mtls_trusted_peer_bundle.pem file.

  7. Update sslEnableMutualTLS to true .

  8. Update useSsl to true

"dataExchange": {
    "host": "[hostname]",
    "httpPort": 8011,
    "sslClientBundleFilePath": "[full path to peek_bundle.pem]",
    "sslClientMutualTLSCertificateAuthorityBundleFilePath":"[full path to peek_mtls_ca_bundle.pem]",
    "sslEnableMutualTLS": true,
    "sslMutualTLSTrustedPeerCertificateBundleFilePath": "[peek_mtls_trusted_peer_bundle.pem]",
    "useSsl": false

Restart the Peek Services.
